Datapel Breeze Dataserver vX.X.XXX

(c) copyright Datapel Systems P/L 2003-2012

Supported Format
/json Returns in JSON format
/xml Returns in XML format
/html Returns the HTML
/pdf Returns the pdf
Supported Resources
/ This directory page.
/apidocs?filter~ Returns html page that contains API Documentation.
/items?filter~{Filter String Here} Returns Items filtered with given filter string
/sales?filter~{Filter String Here} Returns Sales/Orders filtered with given filter string
/pricelist?filter~{Filter String Here} Returns pricelist filtered with given filter string
/transfers?filter~{Filter String Here} Returns Transfers filtered with given filter string
/contactsettings?filter~{Filter String Here} Returns Contacts filtered with given filter string
/itemhtml?filter~ Returns html page showing all items and for modifications of UDF fields of the items.

Sample query would be like : '/html/apidocs?filter~'

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